Saturday, 30 June 2018

                                             Obesity to Death

Leading a hectic life in this hectic world, we often forget to spend some time for our health. When fast food, laziness, and white-collar jobs defines the unit of our “social status”, visiting a multispecialty hospital became a habit. Even though everyone has heard about obesity, and its related issues, and might have discussed it a lot of times even in school, we are never ready to apply a healthy diet or lead a healthy life.

As per the WHO studies done on three regions of the world, Africa, Asia- Pacific, and Eastern Europe, it was found that more than 50% of the urban Latin America and Caribbean are overweight or obese while in Asia- Pacific and Africa the likelihood of being obese among women in the age of 15- 49 rises with wealth levels in urban areas and this pattern is reversed in Eastern Europe. The studies prove that obese women are vulnerable to diseases like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), cardiovascular disease (CVD), diabetes etc. Another research done by Mariana Garcia and others, explains that CVD continues to be the leading cause of death among women in the United States, accounting for approximately one of every three female deaths. PCOS has become common among women of reproductive age. Several case studies substantiate that PCOS can also lead to death causing diseases like endometrial, breast also ovarian cancer.  Everyone is aware of the consequences of leading an unhealthy life but are not ready to change their life style, it’s like how people smoke cigarettes yet it’s a general knowledge that smoking is injurious to health. Don’t you think prevention is better than cure!! Its high time to bring a change. So, lets unite to share our ideas to save lives. Come join us for 8th International Conference on Women’s Health and Breast Cancer which is going to be held on 10-11, December 2018 in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

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