Saturday, 4 August 2018

When Karma Strikes Back

“Genes”, those tiny little molecules which you carry from birth to grave, those tiny little molecules which made you who you are, the only thing in this entire universe which we thought that will never leave us or never change…we brought so much improvement in technology that even genes got modernized to a level where it started to think on their own “how to bring a change”!! Lol! When karma strikes back!
Gene mutation is a basis all good and bad changes in one’s life…Its funny and same time scary too that when a chain smoker lives healthy even in his 80s, and an ambitious healthy 25 waits for death in hospital bed counting even milliseconds of life making everyone bewildered that  “does reading books cause cancer?”. And the one news “the death of a beautiful woman who knew only to spread love, died due to cancer “is enough to lose faith in GOD and end up living happily enjoying each moment of rest of the life.

 When a four-letter meaningless word like BRCA, puts a control over one’s existence, WE, the so-called advanced intellectual living beings of the Universe, are still unable to explain this strange phenomenon of gene mutation. Tumor suppressor genes (BRAC1 AND BRCA2) and the oncogenes (HER2) are the main villains of breast cancer. Even though we have chemo and radiation therapies to put a control over cancer cells, the variation of gene mutation pattern from individual to individual makes it difficult to introduce a common treatment method for the complete irradiation of cancer. And the biggest failure of breast cancer treatment is that in early-stage cancer cells seems to be silent in many cases which makes it difficult to treat and thus eventually leads to the death of the person. This is why doctors make it very clear that every woman after the age of 35 should do a check-up once in a month, and any lump or a tumor-like structure if seen should get it consulted by a doctor as soon as possible because the chance of transformation from benign to malignant are really high.

So if you think you should give awareness and spread the correct knowledge about women’s cancers, be there on December 13-4, 2018 in Abu Dhabi, UAE for 8th World Conference on Women’s Health and Breast cancer organizing by ME Conferences. We welcome you all to share your research ideas. Let’s unite bring back her smile :)

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